Thursday, May 19, 2011


A few days ago, I got an email from someone who had found my blog and was writing to thank me for what I have written here, saying that it has helped him to work his way through the mires of Mormonism and gain the strength necessary to remain steadfast in his decision to leave the cult.  Getting that email from this man meant so much to me.  So often, I feel that my writings are more for me than anyone else, but knowing that there are others out there gaining insight from what I have written is very reassuring and fulfilling.

In the email he sent me, this man mentioned that he really liked my poetry, and especially "Mormonism Seuss-ified."  And although it is posted on the poetry page of this blog, I wanted to share it again because it says so much of how I feel about Mormonism and my trek away from its "force and pull."  Besides, I couldn't pass up the chance to post these great Dr. Seuss images I found...


I do not like the Mormon Church,
And it’s not true, I’ve done research,
The Book of Mormon, it’s no surprise,
Filled with deception, full of lies.
The Word of Wisdom, what a crock,
Invented by a true shylock
Named Joseph Smith, the prophet dear
To Mormons, who his name revere.

For 50 years, I lived the life,
And I was an “eternal wife.”
Yes, temple marriage was my goal,
Trying to comprehend my role,
A woman in a church of men,
Questioning, again and again,
Praying that answers would be clear,
Wanting my doubts to disappear.

For I was simply not convinced
And what I felt could not be rinsed
Or cleansed in any way at all,
The total lies were its downfall
Within my mind and in my heart,
And knowing that, I had to start
Withdrawing from its force and pull,
No matter how hard or painful.

But Mormonism is a scam,
A fraud, a hoax, complete flim-flam,
A scheme to make its leaders rich,
Just thinking of it makes me twitch.
Sometimes I’d want to scream out loud,
“I hate that stupid cult,” and vowed
That I won’t go there, not again,
No matter what, or who, they send.

I’ve left the cult, won’t go no more,
To that whole thing, I’ve closed the door,
And though I know I won’t go back,
My family thinks that I will crack,
Admit my faults, repentance seek,
Since as they say, I’m very weak
Without the Holy Ghost to guide,
And that is why I think they lied.

Yes, I’m mislead, so full of shit
That I can’t see the truth of it,
According to the ones who know,
The TBMs can’t let it go.
They have to say that I’m condemned,
A heathen now, and can’t defend
What I have done, have left the fold
And now, I’m way out in the cold.

What they can’t see and can’t accept
I’m happy now, a strange concept.
Not possible, they say to me,
As I delude myself fully.
For only if you stay on track
The Mormon Way, can you go back
To live in heaven with the Lord,
Salvation and your just reward.

But please, if Mormonism’s true,
Then go yourself, I beg of you.
Don’t take me there, I will not go,
I’d rather spend my time below
With others who have left the church,
As Mormonism they besmirch,
For they will be a lot more fun,
And to me, that’s more like heaven.

© Diane Tingen, July 2010

Life is an interesting journey wherein we (hopefully) evolve to our true selves.  This quote by Dr. Seuss is very appropos to where I have arrived at this point in my journey.  Just being myself.  Something I never felt I could do when I was embroiled in Mormonism.  My journey took me through the bowels of Mormonism, but luckily, it also took me on a journey of self-discovery.  During that journey, I was forcefully hit on the head by the actual truth, making me realize that I had wasted far too many years on a religious organization that plays very fast and loose with the truth.
When I was a Mormon, I was essentially told to turn off my brain and just accept whatever was told to me.  But I don't believe that's what God wants us to do (if, in fact, there is a God, spoken from my now agnostic point of view).  IMO, we were equipped with brains so that we could think, examine and analyze - and decide what to believe and what not to believe.  To discern for ourselves. 

Just accepting things on face value without digging deeper is simply not wise.  The question of why I did that for so many years is something I am still asking myself.  But regardless of the answer to that question, I know for certain that I am being true to who I really am now - and that is priceless.

And although Dr. Seuss' writings seem as if they are all for children, so much of it is applicable in many ways to people in all stages of their lives.  Just like the quote by Dr. Seuss in this picture says, we all need to "Think left and think right and think low and think high," because "...the Thinks you can think up if you only try" are also priceless.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mormonism is true. I am a Mormon. No, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know who I am and I won't forget it, not now, not ever. You may have forgotten who you are and what your divine destiny is, but trying to convince others that it's not true isn't right. How can you do this to others? How can you make these awful claims of the truthfulness of the gospel? How can you leave it when the Spirit can be felt so strongly at times? How can you do this to yourself?