Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I read a blog post on My Black Bikini this morning that really made me think.  The title of this blog post is Creating Fact? and Choosing Belief?  and the blogger (Maureen) started off by talking about a quote - "Belief creates the actual fact."  The word FACT seems to mean different things to different people, though.  As Maureen posts out in her blog post, "...if we are talking about a belief in happiness or goodness (or the opposite of those) then yes I think we can create 'the fact'."  Yes, I agree with that statement - as human beings, many times we can create a certain state of mind for ourselves - kind of an "act as though you are something and you will become that" type of theory.

But my immediate reaction to this post was that it has Mormonism written all over it (a world in which people decide what is true and cling to it despite all the evidence to the contrary).

Here is the comment I left on this blog post on My Black Bikini:
On the surface, that first quote sounds extremely Mormon ("Belief creates the actual fact").  Just believe!!  Doesn't matter what is really true... JUST BELIEVE!!
But FACT seems to mean different things to different people.  In the dictionary, FACT is defined as:
FACT (noun)
1.  something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
2.  something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.
3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.
4.  something said to be true or supposed to have happened: The facts given by the witness are highly questionable.
5.  Law. Often, facts. An actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence. Compare question of fact, question of law.
6.  After the fact, Law. After the commission of a crime: an accessory after the fact.
7.  Before the fact, Law. Prior to the commission of a crime: an accessory before the fact.
8.  In fact, actually; really; indeed: In fact, it was a wonder that anyone survived.
For me, facts are actual facts. Events or things that really happened.  Perhaps I take things too literally.  And since I do take things very literally, that explains my exit from Mormonism entirely.

But then, you know what Boyd K. Packer said:  Some things that are true are not very useful.
To me, LIES are LIES - and LIES are not acceptable.  If something didn't really happen, and someone made it up, then it is a LIE.  Period.  No wiggle room.


Apparently, though, the mindset where I find myself is my own fault.  I just take things too literally.  On a discussion board recently when I commented that in my mind, it's all or nothing, that TRUTH is TRUTH is TRUTH and if something is FALSE then it shouldn't be held out as THE TRUTH, someone told me that all religions contain falsities so in attempting to hold Mormonism to a higher standard than other religions, I am being unreasonable.  Naturally, I commented that if all religions contain falsities then all religions should be discarded, this person practically condemned me and called me "ridiculously absurd."

But why are some people content with believing in lies and half-truths?  That question baffles me.  It all boils down to Fact vs. Fiction.  If something is FACT, then fine - it really happened.  But if something is FICTION, then don't tell people it's FACT - and if they want to believe in a FICTIONAL REALITY, then fine, that's their choice.  Of course, for me Mormonism is the prime example of this.  The Mormon Church is simply NOT TRUE - so I really wish they would stop going around telling everyone who will listen that the Mormon Church is THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE CHURCH ON THE FACE OF THE EARTHI mean, REALLY!!

Very simply, I do not want to be told LIES and have them painted as THE TRUTH.  Is that too much to ask?

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