Thursday, November 27, 2014


Continuing with my current theme of song parodies, here is another song parody that came to me as I was driving in my car, listening to music.  Interestingly, only a couple of words have been changed from the original, and it fits perfectly with how I feel.  Yes, I can see clearly now that the Mormon's gone.  Gone from my day-to-day life.  Gone from my psyche.  Gone from everything!!

And yes, the pain is gone... all of the bad feelings have disappeared.  To many TBMs, that probably sounds melodramatic, but that's really how I feel.  When I finally began to examine how I felt being Mormon, I began to realize that for many years I had been in pain.  Constant pain caused by the cognitive dissonance that I had dealt with for so long.  Knowing deep inside that none of it made sense, and yet trying to continue to go along, trying to accept so many things by faith, and "just believe."

But after finally beginning to research on my own and discovering the sordid history of the Mormon Church and realizing, once and for all, that the doctrines are extremely tenuous (and likely bogus), I finally walked into the light... and I really can see clearly now. Clarity is awesome.  And it's not only "gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day," but a bright and wonderful life because I am now living it authentically.  No longer am I trapped inside a religion built on an enormous stack of lies.  What a relief!!


I can see clearly now, the Mormon’s gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.

Oh yes, I can make it now, the pain is gone,
All of the bad feelings have disappeared.
Here is the clarity I’m looking for,
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.

Oh, look all around, there's nothing but blue skies.
Look straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skies.

I can see clearly now, the Mormon’s gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.
It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.

It's going to be a bright, bright sunshiny day.
Yeah, hey, it's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.

© Diane Tingen

Sunday, November 16, 2014

BEHIND CLOSED DOORS - Song Parody of a Classic by The Who

Lately, I've been hearing songs on the radio and have started writing alternative lyrics in my mind (usually having to do with my Ex-Mormon state of mind).  It seems to have started just after I wrote the words for "50 Ways to Leave the Mormon."

What I've discovered is that after writing 109 LDS hymn parodies, I seem to be running out of ideas in that arena.  Obviously, there are a lot more LDS hymns, but the remaining ones aren't really conducive to parodying, at least for me.  So now I've started nurturing this other avenue that seems to have opened up in my mind.

The below song parody is to a favorite of mine by The Who, adapted to reflect my feelings about finally getting away from Mormonism.

Sung to the tune of "Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who

No one knows what it’s like
To be a Mormon,
Except a Mormon
Behind closed doors.
And no one knows
What it’s like to awaken,
To be shaken by seeing all the lies.

But my life is not as empty
As it once appeared to be.
I am peaceful, I’m not lonely,
Not seeking vengeance
Now that I’m free.

No one knows what it’s like
To feel these feelings,
All the lies, to realize.
No one can understand
How I’m feeling,
But I can’t compromise,
No disguise.

But my life is not as empty
As it once appeared to be.
I am peaceful, I’m not lonely,
Not seeking vengeance
Now that I’m free.

Though Mormon doctrine may be spouted,
Incessant drivel that makes no sense,
I can smile, think of some good news,
Try not to laugh, that is my defense.
Too long I swallowed all the malarkey,
As they stuffed it down my throat,
A true believer, whatever they told me,
But no more, found the antidote.

No one knows what it’s like
To be a Mormon,
Except a Mormon,
Behind closed doors.

© Diane Tingen

Saturday, November 8, 2014


The hardest part of my journey away from Mormonism was going from discovering the truth to wallowing in denial for a very long time until I finally faced the truth and realized that I had to extricate myself from its grasp.  From the moment I began to seriously doubt, after discovering so much about the sordid history of the Mormon Church and how its founder ("good ole Joe") had duped so many people, I developed cognitive dissonance to the max.  Looking back, it astounds me that I remained TBM for so long.  After all, if anyone uses any amount of critical thinking, then they can't help but question what the Mormon Church teaches as fact.  But that is an enormous conundrum.  How do they get relatively intelligent people to swallow it all?  People who use critical thinking in other areas of their lives but do not apply it to the teachings of Mormonism at all?  It boggles my mind.

Sadly, I think there are a lot of people still active within Mormonism who are caught in the middle, between a rock and a hard place, still trying to wrap their minds around the fact that Mormonism is built on a huge stack of lies.  That is not an easy premise to accept, particularly if they have been "in it" for many years or perhaps even their entire lives (like me, who finally left when I was 54 years old after being raised in the Mormon Church from infancy).  

Of course, it doesn't help the situation when the Mormon Mantra is echoing loudly in your mind - the mantra that if you are experiencing doubts, then it's you, not the Mormon Church.  That mantra is drummed into the consciousness of every single member so much that they have learned to accept many things as gospel truth that are so far off the actual spectrum of truth that it's frightening.

Despite all that, though, I got away - and I have never been happier.  I am walking my own path, free from the constraints of a religion that plays so fast and loose with the truth that it bears no resemblance to any measure of fact.  It is in that vein that I wrote the below LDS hymn parody (my 109th).  Cast deception and lies aside.  Not an easy thing to do, but it's rewards are immeasurable.


Cast deception and lies aside,
And live more authentic.
Why cling to a church overflowing with lies?
Only truth is worthwhile.
The truth will set you free
To live the way you want.
Let none be made ashamed
That walk their own path.

© Diane Tingen